

Executive Committee

President                  Pierluigi Mormino                        Belgium
Vice-president          Jacques Bally                              Switzerland
Treasurer                 Hervé Prévost                              France
Secretary                 David Obdrzalek                          Czech Republic

Eurobot is an annual event, managed by Eurobot association ( ). Created in May 2004, its goal is to foster and develop interest in robotics in young people on an international scale. In order to do so, it promotes and organises the national qualifications and the international final for the Eurobot robotic contest. Eurobot association transfers to national organising committee (NOC) ( /eng/nationalcups.php ) the organisation of national qualifications. And every year, it chooses a final committee to manage the international EUROBOT final. In 2008, this committee is the German NOC , with the support of Panète Science /robot/ .

To run and operate the Eurobot competition, and beside the national organisations, international working groups are formed. Among them the Refereeing Committee manages the teams with no local national qualifications.

To know more about Eurobot  organisation, visit its website

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